#!MC 1410 $!DRAWGRAPHICS FALSE #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # # USER CUSTOM READ DATA COMMAND # - Go to Scripting --> Record Macro # - Manually read your dataset and stop recording # - Copy the resulting macro command here # - Note the required variables for entry below (variable numbers, maps, etc.) # #$!ReadDataSet ... # ... # #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ $!DRAWGRAPHICS FALSE #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # # USER CUSTOM READ DATA COMMAND # - Go to Scripting --> Record Macro # - Manually read your dataset and stop recording # - Copy the resulting macro command here # - Note the required variables for entry below (variable numbers, maps, etc.) # #$!ReadDataSet ... # ... # #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # # PLOT OUTPUT LOCATION # #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # CaseX - Case [Case1/Case2/Case3/Case4/Case5/Case6] # XXX - First-author participant's last name (or organization) # XxQ - Condition Q [LoQ/HiQ/NoQ] # Lx - Grid Level [L1/L2/L3/L4/L5/L6] # Axxx - Angle of Attack [275/300/325/350/375/400/425] # (use C058 for Fixed CL=0.58 case) # # Grid/SolverVer/Method/TurbModel should be descriptive labels specific to your case # $!VarSet |ParticipantID| = '001.1' # Participant ID for this data set $!VarSet |Configuration| = 'ONERA-OAT15A' # Or CRM or Joukowski or... $!VarSet |OutputDirectoryPath| = 'png/' # Images will be saved to this path # NOTE: Use '' if launching Tecplot from the command line within the desired directory #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # # PLOT TITLE SOLUTION INFORMATION # #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ $!VarSet |LOFTNAME| = 'MyAirfoil.iges' # Name of geometry file (or committee-supplied grid name) $!VarSet |REYN| = '3e6' # Reynolds number [05 or 20 or 30] (based on reference chord) $!VarSet |MACH| = '0.73' # Mach number $!VarSet |ALPHA| = '1.234' # Angle-of-Attack $!VarSet |CL| = '0.123' # Lift Coefficient $!VarSet |CD| = '0.0456' # Drag Coefficient $!VarSet |CMy| = '-0.789' # Pitching Moment Coefficient #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # $!VarSet |Xvar| = X # Variable number to use for X coordinate (running from fuselage nose to tail) $!VarSet |Yvar| = X # Variable number to use for Y coordinate (running from symmetry plane to wing tip) $!VarSet |Zvar| = X # Variable number to use for Z coordinate (running from fuselage keel to crown) $!VarSet |CPvar| = X # Variable number to use for Cp $!VarSet |CFvar| = X # Variable number to use for Cf contours $!VarSet |CFXvar| = X # Variable number to use for Cfx contours $!VarSet |CFYvar| = X # Variable number to use for Cfx contours $!VarSet |CFZvar| = X # Variable number to use for Cfx contours $!VarSet |Uvar| = X # Variable number to use for x-component of velocity vector in streamtraces $!VarSet |Vvar| = X # Variable number to use for y-component of velocity vector in streamtraces $!VarSet |Wvar| = X # Variable number to use for z-component of velocity vector in streamtraces $!VarSet |WingMaps| = 'X-X' # Fieldmaps of your dataset to plot for the wing or airfoil ('1-2','1,3,5-6',etc.) $!VarSet |PlotTime| = '' # Tecplot SolutionTime variable to export for time-accurate data sets # # NOTE: Use |PlotTime| == '' if no solution time needs to be set. # #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # # ! ! ! E N D O F U S E R I N P U T ! ! ! # #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ $!VarSet |EnableStreamlines| = 1 # Enable auto-streamline generation $!VarSet |ImageWidth| = 1350 # Output picture pixel width $!VarSet |Xrev| = 0 # Set to 1 ONLY if X-axis is running from fuselage tail to nose (negative drag direction) $!VarSet |Yrev| = 1 # Set to 1 ONLY if Y-axis is running from wing tip to the symmetry plane $!VarSet |Zrev| = 0 # Set to 1 ONLY if Z-axis is running from fuselage crown to keel (negative lift direction) #------------------------------------- $!SetStyleBase Factory $!GlobalPaper PaperSizeInfo { Letter { Width = 8.5 Height = 11 LeftHardClipOffset = 0.125 RightHardClipOffset = 0.125 TopHardClipOffset = 0.125 BottomHardClipOffset = 0.125 } } $!Page Name = 'Untitled' PaperAttributes { BackgroundColor = White IsTransparent = Yes OrientPortrait = No ShowGrid = Yes ShowRuler = No ShowPaper = No PaperSize = Letter RulerSpacing = OneInch PaperGridSpacing = HalfInch RegionInWorkArea { X1 = 1 Y1 = 0.25 X2 = 10 Y2 = 8.25 } } $!FrameLayout ShowHeader = Yes HeaderColor = White XYPos { X = 1 Y = 0.25 } Width = 9 Height = 8 $!FrameName = 'Frame 001' $!ThreeDAxis AspectRatioLimit = 25 BoxAspectRatioLimit = 25 XDetail { VarNum = |Xvar| ShowAxis = No RangeMin = 0.0 RangeMax = 1.0 GRSpacing = 10 AxisLine { Edge = 2 } } YDetail { VarNum = |Yvar| ShowAxis = No RangeMin = 0.0 RangeMax = 1.0 GRSpacing = 10 AxisLine { Edge = 3 } } ZDetail { VarNum = |Zvar| ShowAxis = No RangeMin = 0.0 RangeMax = 1.0 GRSpacing = 5 AxisLine { Edge = 2 } } AxisMode = XYZDependent XYDepXToYRatio = 1 DepXToYRatio = 1 DepXToZRatio = 1 EdgeAutoReset = Yes FrameAxis { Size = 15 XYPos { X = 2 Y = 28 } Show = No} $!PlotType = Cartesian3D $!GlobalRGB RedChannelVar = 3 GreenChannelVar = 3 BlueChannelVar = 3 RangeMin = 0 RangeMax = 1 $!Interface ZoneBoundingBoxMode = Off $!BASICCOLOR CUSTOM9 { R = 210 G = 210 B = 210 } #------------------------------------- # Scaling/Translating Dataset (wind tunnel/metric->inches/etc.) # # Reverse coordinate axes, if required by user input $!IF |Xrev| == 1 $!AlterData Equation = 'V|Xvar| = -1 * V|Xvar|' $!AlterData Equation = 'V|Uvar| = -1 * V|Uvar|' $!IF |CFXvar| != |Uvar| $!AlterData Equation = 'V|CFXvar| = -1 * V|CFXvar|' $!ENDIF $!ENDIF $!IF |Yrev| == 1 $!AlterData Equation = 'V|Yvar| = -1 * V|Yvar|' $!AlterData Equation = 'V|Vvar| = -1 * V|Vvar|' $!ENDIF $!IF |Zrev| == 1 $!AlterData Equation = 'V|Zvar| = -1 * V|Zvar|' $!AlterData Equation = 'V|Wvar| = -1 * V|Wvar|' $!ENDIF # Calculate scaling based on grid coordinate ranges $!ACTIVEFIELDMAPS = [|WingMaps|] $!VarSet |Xle| = ( |MINX%.12f| ) $!VarSet |Xte| = ( |MAXX%.12f| ) $!VarSet |YRoot| = ( |MINY%.12f| ) $!VarSet |YTip| = ( |MAXY%.12f| ) $!VarSet |ZBot| = ( |MINZ%.12f| ) $!VarSet |ZTop| = ( |MAXZ%.12f| ) $!VarSet |Chord| = ( |Xte| - |Xle|) $!AlterData Equation = 'V|Xvar| = (V|Xvar| - |Xle|) / |Chord|' $!AlterData Equation = 'V|Yvar| = (V|Yvar| - |YRoot|) / |Chord|' $!AlterData Equation = 'V|Zvar| = (V|Zvar| / |Chord|)' #------------------------------------- # Name variables consistently $!RenameDataSetVar Var = |Xvar| Name = 'X' $!RenameDataSetVar Var = |Yvar| Name = 'Y' $!RenameDataSetVar Var = |Zvar| Name = 'Z' $!RenameDataSetVar Var = |CPvar| Name = 'CP' $!RenameDataSetVar Var = |CFvar| Name = 'CF' $!RenameDataSetVar Var = |CFXvar| Name = 'CFx' $!AlterData IgnoreDivideByZero = Yes Equation = '{dCP/dx} = abs(ddx({CP}))' $!VarSet |dCPVarNum| = |NUMVARS| $!AlterData IgnoreDivideByZero = Yes Equation = '{dCF/dx} = abs(ddx({CF}))' $!VarSet |dCFVarNum| = |NUMVARS| #------------------------------------- #------------------------------------- # Set center of view and re-scale frame $!VarSet |Span| = ( |MAXY%.12f| ) $!VarSet |SemiSpan| = ( |Span|/2) $!VarSet |RotX| = 0.573 # Center of view (shifted so there's room for the contour legend $!VarSet |RotY| = |SemiSpan| # Midspan $!VarSet |RotZ| = 0 # 0 $!VarSet |ViewZ| = 200 # 0 # Make frame fit the data $!VarSet |TargetHeight| = ( |Span| * 9 + 0.8 ) $!IF |TargetHeight| < 3.3 $!VarSet |FrameHeight| = 3.3 $!ELSE $!VarSet |FrameHeight| = |TargetHeight| $!ENDIF $!FrameLayout Height = |FrameHeight| $!VarSet |NumStreamsFull| = ( |Span|/0.1 * 3 ) $!VarSet |NumStreams| = ( |NumStreamsFull%d| ) #------------------------------------- #------------------------------------- $!MACROFUNCTION NAME = "ExportContours" $!Varset |ContourLabel| = '|1|' $!Varset |EnableStreamlines| = '|2|' $!Varset |PlottedSurface| = '|3|' $!Varset |Maps| = '|4|' $!Varset |LineColorStream| = '|5|' $!Varset |LineColorNoStream| = '|6|' #$!Varset |OutputPrepend| = '|999|' $!IF '|ContourLabel|' == 'Cp' $!Varset |ContourGroup| = 1 $!ELSEIF '|ContourLabel|' == 'Cf' $!Varset |ContourGroup| = 2 $!ELSEIF '|ContourLabel|' == 'Cfx' $!Varset |ContourGroup| = 3 $!ENDIF # Flip if the lower surface $!IF |PlottedSurface| == 1 # No math $!Varset |SurfaceTag| = 'Upper' $!ELSE $!AlterData Equation = 'V|Zvar| = -1 * V|Zvar|' $!Varset |SurfaceTag| = 'Lower' $!ENDIF $!Varset |FloodColor| = 'Group|ContourGroup|' $!FieldMap [|Maps|] Contour { LineContourGroup = |ContourGroup| FloodColoring = |FloodColor| } $!IF |EnableStreamlines| == 1 $!STREAMTRACELAYERS SHOW = Yes $!StreamAttributes Color = |LineColorStream| $!FieldMap [|WingMaps|] Contour{ContourType = BothLinesAndFlood Color = |LineColorStream|} $!ExportSetup ExportFName = '|ParticipantID|_|Configuration|_|SurfaceTag|_|ContourLabel|_Stream.png' $!Export ExportRegion = AllFrames $!ENDIF $!STREAMTRACELAYERS SHOW = No $!FieldMap [|WingMaps|] Contour{ContourType = BothLinesAndFlood Color = |LineColorNoStream|} $!ExportSetup ExportFName = '|ParticipantID|_|Configuration|_|SurfaceTag|_|ContourLabel|.png' $!Export ExportRegion = AllFrames $!FieldMap [|Maps|] Contour { LineContourGroup = 1 FloodColoring = Group1 } # Flip back if the lower surface $!IF |PlottedSurface| == 1 # No math $!ELSE $!AlterData Equation = 'V|Zvar| = -1 * V|Zvar|' $!ENDIF $!ENDMACROFUNCTION #------------------------------------- # Define color maps $!CreateColorMap Name = 'Small_Rainbow_DPW' NumControlPoints = 5 ControlPoint 1 { ColorMapFraction = 0.00 LeadRGB { R=0 G=0 B=255 } TrailRGB { R=0 G=0 B=255 } } ControlPoint 2 { ColorMapFraction = 0.25 LeadRGB { R=0 G=255 B=255 } TrailRGB { R=0 G=255 B=255 } } ControlPoint 3 { ColorMapFraction = 0.50 LeadRGB { R=0 G=255 B=0 } TrailRGB { R=0 G=255 B=0 } } ControlPoint 4 { ColorMapFraction = 0.75 LeadRGB { R=255 G=255 B=0 } TrailRGB { R=255 G=255 B=0 } } ControlPoint 5 { ColorMapFraction = 1.00 LeadRGB { R=255 G=0 B=0 } TrailRGB { R=255 G=0 B=0 } } $!CreateColorMap Name = 'CfMap_DPW' NumControlPoints = 5 ControlPoint 1 { ColorMapFraction = 0.00 LeadRGB { R=0 G=0 B=0 } TrailRGB { R=0 G=0 B=0 } } ControlPoint 2 { ColorMapFraction = 0.25 LeadRGB { R=0 G=191 B=255 } TrailRGB { R=0 G=191 B=255 } } ControlPoint 3 { ColorMapFraction = 0.50 LeadRGB { R=127 G=255 B=0 } TrailRGB { R=127 G=255 B=0 } } ControlPoint 4 { ColorMapFraction = 0.75 LeadRGB { R=255 G=0 B=64 } TrailRGB { R=255 G=0 B=64 } } ControlPoint 5 { ColorMapFraction = 1.00 LeadRGB { R=255 G=255 B=255 } TrailRGB { R=255 G=255 B=255 } } #------------------------------------- #SizeUnits = Point # Legend { Show = Yes IsVertical = Yes RowSpacing = 1.0 XYPos { X = 87 Y = 50 } Box { BoxType = None } AnchorAlignment = MiddleLeft } # Legend{ NumberTextShape{FontFamily = 'FreeSans'} HeaderTextShape{FontFamily = 'FreeSans'} } # 14.4 $!GlobalContour 1 Var = |CPvar| ColorMapName = 'Small_Rainbow_DPW' DefNumLevels = 12 Legend { Show = Yes IsVertical = Yes RowSpacing = 1.0 XYPos { X = 87 Y = 50 } Box { BoxType = None } AnchorAlignment = MiddleLeft } Legend { NumberTextShape{FontFamily = 'FreeSans'} NumberTextShape{SizeUnits = Point} NumberTextShape{Height = 14.4} } Legend { HeaderTextShape{FontFamily = 'FreeSans'} HeaderTextShape{SizeUnits = Point} HeaderTextShape{Height = 14.4} } ColorCutoff { RangeMin = -1.0 RangeMax = 0.6 } ColorMapFilter { ColorMapDistribution = Continuous ContinuousColor { CMin = -1.6 CMax = 0.6 } UseFastApproxContinuousFlood = Yes ReverseColorMap = Yes } $!ContourLevels New ContourGroup = 1 RawData 12 -1.6 -1.4 -1.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 $!GlobalContour 2 Var = |CFvar| ColorMapName = 'CfMap_DPW' DefNumLevels = 6 Legend { Show = Yes IsVertical = Yes RowSpacing = 1.0 XYPos { X = 87 Y = 50 } Box { BoxType = None } AnchorAlignment = MiddleLeft } Legend { NumberTextShape{FontFamily = 'FreeSans'} NumberTextShape{SizeUnits = Point} NumberTextShape{Height = 14.4} } Legend { HeaderTextShape{FontFamily = 'FreeSans'} HeaderTextShape{SizeUnits = Point} HeaderTextShape{Height = 14.4} } ColorCutoff { RangeMin = 0.0 RangeMax = 1.0 } ColorMapFilter { ColorMapDistribution = Continuous ContinuousColor { CMin = 0 CMax = 0.005 } UseFastApproxContinuousFlood = Yes ReverseColorMap = No } $!ContourLevels New ContourGroup = 2 RawData 6 0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 $!GlobalContour 3 Var = |CFxvar| ColorMapName = 'CfMap_DPW' DefNumLevels = 8 Legend { Show = Yes IsVertical = Yes RowSpacing = 1.0 XYPos { X = 87 Y = 50 } Box { BoxType = None } AnchorAlignment = MiddleLeft } Legend { NumberTextShape{FontFamily = 'FreeSans'} NumberTextShape{SizeUnits = Point} NumberTextShape{Height = 14.4} } Legend { HeaderTextShape{FontFamily = 'FreeSans'} HeaderTextShape{SizeUnits = Point} HeaderTextShape{Height = 14.4} } ColorCutoff { RangeMin = -1.0 RangeMax = 1.0 } ColorMapFilter { ColorMapDistribution = Continuous ContinuousColor { CMin = -0.002 CMax = 0.005 } UseFastApproxContinuousFlood = Yes ReverseColorMap = No } $!ContourLevels New ContourGroup = 3 RawData 8 -0.002 -0.001 0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 $!GlobalThreeDVector UVar = |Uvar| VVar = |Vvar| WVar = |Wvar| RelativeLength = 150 $!IF "|PlotTime|" != "" $!GlobalTime SolutionTime = |PlotTime| $!ENDIF $!FieldMap [|WingMaps|] Mesh { Color = Black } Contour { ContourType = BothLinesAndFlood LineContourGroup = 1 FloodColoring = Group1 Color = Custom2 UseLightingEffect = No } Vector { Color = Black } Scatter { Color = Black } Shade { Color = Custom2 } EdgeLayer { Show = Yes Color = Black LineThickness = 0.1 } Points { PointsToPlot = SurfaceNodes } Surfaces { SurfacesToPlot = KPlanes IRange { Max = 1 } } VolumeMode { VolumeObjectsToPlot { ShowIsosurfaces = No ShowSlices = No ShowStreamtraces = No } } Effects { LightingEffect = Gouraud } $!FieldLayers ShowMesh = No ShowContour = Yes ShowShade = Yes ShowEdge = No $!StreamtraceLayers Show = Yes $!FrameControl ActivateByNumber Frame = 1 $!GlobalThreeD AxisScaleFact { X = 1 Y = 1 Z = 1 } RotateOrigin { X = |RotX| Y = |RotY| Z = |RotZ| } LightSource { XYZDirection{ X = -0.2 Y = -0.2 Z = 0.8 } Intensity = 75 BackgroundLight = 25 IncludeSpecular = Yes SpecularIntensity = 40 SpecularShininess = 60 } LineLiftFraction = 0.2 SymbolLiftFraction = 0.6 VectorLiftFraction = 0.7 NearPlaneFraction = 0.1 # Same for upper and lower surfaces because z is flipped $!ThreeDView PSIAngle = 0 ThetaAngle = -90 AlphaAngle = 90 ViewerPosition { X = |RotX| Y = |RotY| Z = |ViewZ| } ViewWidth = 1.18 $!PrintSetup Palette = Color $!ExportSetup ExportFormat = PNG $!ExportSetup ExportRegion = AllFrames $!ExportSetup ImageWidth = |ImageWidth| $!ExportSetup UseSuperSampleAntiAliasing = Yes $!ExportSetup SuperSampleFactor = 3 $!ExportSetup ConvertTo256Colors = No #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% # Streamlines $!IF |EnableStreamlines| == 1 $!Streamtrace DeleteAll $!RESETVECTORLENGTH $!STREAMTRACELAYERS SHOW = YES $!STREAMTRACE RESETDELTATIME $!VarSet |StreamlineWidth| = ( 0.15* 8/ |FrameHeight| ) $!VarSet |ArrowWidth| = ( 1.5* 8/ |FrameHeight| ) $!StreamAttributes LineThickness = |StreamlineWidth| $!StreamAttributes ArrowheadSize = |ArrowWidth| $!StreamAttributes AddArrows = No $!ACTIVEFIELDMAPS = [|WingMaps|] #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tick through both surfaces #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $!LOOP 2 $!VarSet |ViewIndex| = |Loop| $!IF |ViewIndex| == 1 $!VarSet |TEC_View| = "WingUpper" $!VarSet |Surface_Text| = "Upper Surface" $!ELSEIF |ViewIndex| == 2 $!VarSet |TEC_View| = "WingLower" $!VarSet |Surface_Text| = "Lower Surface" $!AlterData Equation = 'V|Zvar| = -1 * V|Zvar|' $!ENDIF $!GlobalFrame FrameHeaderFormat = "a=|ALPHA|, CL=|CL|, CD=|CD|, CM=|CMy|, M=|MACH|, Re=|REYN|, |LOFTNAME|, |Surface_Text|" FrameHeaderHeight = 0.25 UseThickerActiveFrameBorderOnScreen = No #------------------- $!VarSet |NumSpots| = (|NumStreams| + 1 ) # Don't stick one right at the root or tip $!VarSet |StreamDy| = (|Span| / |NumSpots| ) $!VarSet |StreamY| = 0 $!LOOP |NUMSTREAMS| $!ACTIVEFIELDMAPS = [|WingMaps|] # Make Y Slice $!VarSet |StreamY| = ( |StreamY| + |StreamDy| ) # This is a target number... exact values pulled later (StreamYActual) $!GLOBALTHREED SLICE { ORIGIN {Y=(|StreamY|)} NORMAL { X=0 Y=1 Z=0 }} $!CREATESLICEZONEFROMPLANE SLICESOURCE=SURFACEZONES $!ACTIVEFIELDMAPS = [|NUMZONES|] # Activate new slice zone only #---------------------------- #Loop over nodes to find streamtrace seed point (extreme values of z) $!IF "|TEC_View|" == "WingUpper" #$!SYSTEM "printf '\nStreamline %i/%i... upper surface\n' |LOOP| |NUMSTREAMS|" $!ELSE #$!SYSTEM "printf '\nStreamline %i/%i... lower surface\n' |LOOP| |NUMSTREAMS|" $!ENDIF # Points of interest $!VarSet |TargetX1| = 0.20 # X2 is Z/C max $!VarSet |TargetX3| = 0.70 # XShock is slightly downstream of shock (max dCP/dx) # Get into the loop $!VarSet |X1| = -99999 $!VarSet |Z2| = -99999 $!VarSet |X3| = 99999 $!VarSet |X4| = 99999 $!VarSet |dCPShock| = -99999 $!VarSet |dCFShock| = -99999 $!LOOP |MaxI| # Find maximum z value in the slice (whether upper surface or upside down lower surface) $!GetFieldValue |CurrX| Zone = |NUMZONES| Var = 1 Index = |Loop| $!GetFieldValue |CurrY| Zone = |NUMZONES| Var = 2 Index = |Loop| $!GetFieldValue |CurrZ| Zone = |NUMZONES| Var = 3 Index = |Loop| $!GetFieldValue |CurrDcp| Zone = |NUMZONES| Var = |dCPVarNum| Index = |Loop| $!GetFieldValue |CurrDcf| Zone = |NUMZONES| Var = |dCFVarNum| Index = |Loop| # Get streamtrace at X2 $!IF |CurrZ| > |Z2| $!VarSet |X2| = |CurrX| $!VarSet |Y2| = |CurrY| $!VarSet |Z2| = |CurrZ| #$!SYSTEM "printf '(%.4f,%.4f,%.4f)... MaxZ... %.5f\n' |CurrX| |CurrY| |CurrZ| |MaxZ|" $!ENDIF # Check if larger z than previously found # Get streamtrace at X1 $!IF |CurrX| < |TargetX1| $!IF |CurrX| > |X1| $!VarSet |X1| = |CurrX| $!VarSet |Y1| = |CurrY| $!VarSet |Z1| = |CurrZ| $!ENDIF #$!SYSTEM "printf '(%.4f,%.4f,%.4f)...\n' |X1| |Y2| |Z1|" $!ENDIF # Check if closer to X1 than before # Get streamtrace at X3 $!IF |CurrX| > |TargetX3| $!IF |CurrX| < |X3| $!VarSet |X3| = |CurrX| $!VarSet |Y3| = |CurrY| $!VarSet |Z3| = |CurrZ| $!ENDIF #$!SYSTEM "printf '(%.4f,%.4f,%.4f)...\n' |X1| |Y2| |Z1|" $!ENDIF # Check if closer to X3 than before # Get streamtrace at XShock... shock on the upper surface... if it's the LS, find it anyways, but don't make the streamline (further down in the macro)... X4 is slightly downstream from this point $!IF |CurrX| > |TargetX1| $!IF |CurrX| < 0.9 $!IF |CurrDcf| > |dCFShock| # $!IF |CurrDcp| > |dCPShock| $!VarSet |XShock| = |CurrX| $!VarSet |YShock| = |CurrY| $!VarSet |ZShock| = |CurrZ| $!VarSet |dCPShock| = |CurrDcp| $!VarSet |dCFShock| = |CurrDcf| $!ENDIF $!ENDIF $!ENDIF $!ENDLOOP # Each index in the slice to find X1, X2, X3, and XShock # I have XShock... now find X4, which is slightly downstream $!LOOP |MaxI| # Find maximum z value in the slice (whether upper surface or upside down lower surface) $!GetFieldValue |CurrX| Zone = |NUMZONES| Var = 1 Index = |Loop| $!GetFieldValue |CurrY| Zone = |NUMZONES| Var = 2 Index = |Loop| $!GetFieldValue |CurrZ| Zone = |NUMZONES| Var = 3 Index = |Loop| $!VarSet |X4Target| = ( |XShock| + 0.02 ) $!IF |CurrX| > |X4Target| # Downstream of the shock $!IF |CurrX| < |X4| # Closer to X4Target than previous value $!VarSet |X4| = |CurrX| $!VarSet |Y4| = |CurrY| $!VarSet |Z4| = |CurrZ| $!ENDIF $!ENDIF $!ENDLOOP # Each index in the slice to find X4 # Delete extracted slice zone $!DELETEZONES [|NUMZONES|] #---------------------------- # Add StreamTrace at point found $!ACTIVEFIELDMAPS = [|WingMaps|] $!STREAMTRACE ADD STREAMTYPE = SURFACELINE STREAMDIRECTION = BOTH STARTPOS { X = |X1| Y = |Y1| Z = |Z1| } $!STREAMTRACE ADD STREAMTYPE = SURFACELINE STREAMDIRECTION = BOTH STARTPOS { X = |X2| Y = |Y2| Z = |Z2| } $!STREAMTRACE ADD STREAMTYPE = SURFACELINE STREAMDIRECTION = BOTH STARTPOS { X = |X3| Y = |Y3| Z = |Z3| } $!IF "|TEC_View|" == "WingUpper" # Add a streamtrace on the upper surface just downstream of the shock $!STREAMTRACE ADD STREAMTYPE = SURFACELINE STREAMDIRECTION = BOTH STARTPOS { X = |X4| Y = |Y4| Z = |Z4| } $!ENDIF $!ENDLOOP # Number of streamlines #---------------------------- # Export everything... run the macro $!RUNMACROFUNCTION "ExportContours" ('Cp', 1,|ViewIndex|,|WingMaps|,'Custom9','Custom9') $!RUNMACROFUNCTION "ExportContours" ('Cf', 1,|ViewIndex|,|WingMaps|,'Custom9','Custom9') $!RUNMACROFUNCTION "ExportContours" ('Cfx',1,|ViewIndex|,|WingMaps|,'Custom9','Custom9') #---------------------------- # Flip airfoil right side up again, if necessary $!IF "|TEC_View|" == "WingUpper" # Add a streamtrace on the upper surface just downstream of the shock $!STREAMTRACE ADD STREAMTYPE = SURFACELINE STREAMDIRECTION = BOTH STARTPOS { X = |X3| Y = |Y3| Z = |Z3| } $!ELSEIF "|TEC_View|" == "WingLower" # No streamline, but flip the airfoil upside down $!AlterData Equation = 'V|Zvar| = -1 * V|Zvar|' $!ENDIF $!ENDLOOP # Go through each surface $!ENDIF # Streamlines enabled?