#!MC 1410 #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # # DPW-8/AePW-4 SECTIONAL CUTTER # TO BE USED WITH: # DPW8-AePW4_SectionalCuts_v4.dat # # INSTRUCTIONS: # 1. Load Fuselage and Wing Surface Zones into Tecplot # 2. Assign ParticipantID variable as the identifier of the dataset # 3. Assign OutputFileName variable to the path where you would like the data # 4. Assign (Xvar,Yvar,Zvar) variables to the variable number in dataset (typically 1,2,3) # 5. Assign CPvar variable to the variable number in dataset (typically 4) # 6. Assign CFvar variable to the variable number in dataset (if exists) # 7. Assign CFXvar,CFYvar,CFZvar variables to the variable number in dataset (if exists) # 8. Assign BodyMaps variable to define which zones define the fuselage surface(s) # 9. Assign WingMaps variable to define which zones define the wing surface(s) # 10. Assign PlotTime variable (if multiple time steps are included in dataset) to define which solution time should be used # 11. Select sectional cut stations under section titled "Create Sectional Cuts" --> do not change anything else # 12. Assemble sectional cutter data into data form # DPW8-AePW4_SectionalCuts_v4.dat # #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $!DRAWGRAPHICS FALSE #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # # USER CUSTOM READ DATA COMMAND # - Go to Scripting --> Record Macro # - Manually read your dataset and stop recording # - Copy the resulting macro command here # - Note the required variables for entry below (variable numbers, maps, etc.) # #$!ReadDataSet ... # ... # #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # # FILE OUTPUT LOCATION # #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ $!VarSet |ParticipantID| = '001.1' # Participant ID for this data set $!VarSet |OutputFileName| = 'cuts.dat' # File name #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # # PLOT TITLE SOLUTION INFORMATION # #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ $!VarSet |IsCRM| = 0 # 0 if it is not the CRM... 1 if it is the CRM #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # $!VarSet |Xvar| = X # Variable number to use for X coordinate (running from fuselage nose to tail) $!VarSet |Yvar| = X # Variable number to use for Y coordinate (running from symmetry plane to wing tip) $!VarSet |Zvar| = X # Variable number to use for Z coordinate (running from fuselage keel to crown) $!VarSet |CPvar| = X # Variable number to use for Cp $!VarSet |CFvar| = X # Variable number to use for Cf contours $!VarSet |CFXvar| = X # Variable number to use for Cfx contours $!VarSet |CFYvar| = X # Variable number to use for Cfx contours $!VarSet |CFZvar| = X # Variable number to use for Cfx contours $!VarSet |Uvar| = X # Variable number to use for x-component of velocity vector in streamtraces $!VarSet |Vvar| = X # Variable number to use for y-component of velocity vector in streamtraces $!VarSet |Wvar| = X # Variable number to use for z-component of velocity vector in streamtraces $!VarSet |BodyMaps| = 'X' # Fieldmaps of your dataset to plot for the body/fuselage ('1-2','1,3,5-6',etc.)... will need to be the same as a wing map if a specific body map does not exist $!VarSet |WingMaps| = 'X' # Fieldmaps of your dataset to plot for the wing or airfoil ('1-2','1,3,5-6',etc.) $!VarSet |PlotTime| = '' # Tecplot SolutionTime variable to export for time-accurate data sets # # NOTE: Use |PlotTime| == '' if no solution time needs to be set. # # #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # # ! ! ! E N D O F U S E R I N P U T ! ! ! # #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ $!VarSet |Xrev| = 0 # Set to 1 ONLY if X-axis is running from fuselage tail to nose (negative drag direction) $!VarSet |Yrev| = 0 # Set to 1 ONLY if Y-axis is running from wing tip to the symmetry plane $!VarSet |Zrev| = 0 # Set to 1 ONLY if Z-axis is running from fuselage crown to keel (negative lift direction) #------------------------------------- $!SetStyleBase Factory $!GlobalPaper PaperSizeInfo { Letter { Width = 8.5 Height = 11 LeftHardClipOffset = 0.125 RightHardClipOffset = 0.125 TopHardClipOffset = 0.125 BottomHardClipOffset = 0.125 } } $!Page Name = 'Untitled' PaperAttributes { BackgroundColor = White IsTransparent = Yes OrientPortrait = No ShowGrid = Yes ShowRuler = No ShowPaper = No PaperSize = Letter RulerSpacing = OneInch PaperGridSpacing = HalfInch RegionInWorkArea { X1 = 1 Y1 = 0.25 X2 = 10 Y2 = 8.25 } } $!FrameLayout ShowHeader = No HeaderColor = Red XYPos { X = 1 Y = 0.25 } Width = 9 Height = 8 $!FrameName = 'Frame 001' $!PlotType = Cartesian3D $!ThreeDAxis AspectRatioLimit = 25 BoxAspectRatioLimit = 25 XDetail { VarNum = |Xvar| ShowAxis = No RangeMin = 0.0 RangeMax = 1.0 GRSpacing = 10 AxisLine { Edge = 2 } } YDetail { VarNum = |Yvar| ShowAxis = No RangeMin = 0.0 RangeMax = 1.0 GRSpacing = 10 AxisLine { Edge = 3 } } ZDetail { VarNum = |Zvar| ShowAxis = No RangeMin = 0.0 RangeMax = 1.0 GRSpacing = 5 AxisLine { Edge = 2 } } AxisMode = XYZDependent XYDepXToYRatio = 1 DepXToYRatio = 1 DepXToZRatio = 1 EdgeAutoReset = Yes FrameAxis { Size = 4 XYPos { X = 10 Y = 10 } } $!GlobalRGB RedChannelVar = 3 GreenChannelVar = 3 BlueChannelVar = 3 RangeMin = 0 RangeMax = 1 $!Interface ZoneBoundingBoxMode = Off #=================================================================== # Scaling/Translating Dataset (wind tunnel/metric->inches/etc.) #=================================================================== # Reverse coordinate axes, if required by user input #------------------------------------- $!IF |Xrev| == 1 $!AlterData Equation = 'V|Xvar| = -1 * V|Xvar|' $!AlterData Equation = 'V|CFXvar| = -1 * V|CFXvar|' $!ENDIF $!IF |Yrev| == 1 $!AlterData Equation = 'V|Yvar| = -1 * V|Yvar|' $!AlterData Equation = 'V|CFYvar| = -1 * V|CFYvar|' $!ENDIF $!IF |Zrev| == 1 $!AlterData Equation = 'V|Zvar| = -1 * V|Zvar|' $!AlterData Equation = 'V|CFZvar| = -1 * V|CFZvar|' $!ENDIF # Calculate scaling based on grid coordinate ranges #------------------------------------- $!ACTIVEFIELDMAPS = [|BodyMaps|,|WingMaps|] $!VarSet |NumCuts| = 0 #$!PAUSE 'Xrange = (|MINX%.12f|,|MAXX%.12f|)\nYrange = (|MINY%.12f|,|MAXY%.12f|)\nZrange = (|MINZ%.12f|,|MAXZ%.12f|)' # Necessary to transform CRM coordinates to full-scale aircraft? (Not needed for airfoil cases) $!IF |IsCRM| == 1 # CRM $!VarSet |Scale| = ((2562.883 - 92.500) / (|MAXX%.12f| - |MINX%.12f|)) $!VarSet |Xshift| = ( 92.50000 - |MINX%.12f|*|Scale| ) $!VarSet |Yshift| = ( 0.00000 - |MINY%.12f|*|Scale| ) $!VarSet |Zshift| = (343.14873687 - |MAXZ%.12f|*|Scale| ) #$!PAUSE 'NOTE: Transforming grid to airplane coordinates with fuselage beginning at (92.5,0.0,198.0) inches\n|tab|Scale = |Scale|\n|tab|Xshift = |Xshift|\n|tab|Yshift = |Yshift|\n|tab|Zshift = |Zshift|' $!AlterData Equation = 'V|Xvar| = V|Xvar| * |Scale| + |Xshift|' $!AlterData Equation = 'V|Yvar| = V|Yvar| * |Scale| + |Yshift|' $!AlterData Equation = 'V|Zvar| = V|Zvar| * |Scale| + |Zshift|' #$!PAUSE 'Xrange = (|MINX%.12f|,|MAXX%.12f|)\nYrange = (|MINY%.12f|,|MAXY%.12f|)\nZrange = (|MINZ%.12f|,|MAXZ%.12f|)' $!ENDIF $!VarSet |tab| = ' ' #=================================================================== #=================================================================== # Populate variables, if not defined #------------------------------------- $!AlterData Equation = 'V|Uvar| = V|CFXvar|' $!AlterData Equation = 'V|Vvar| = V|CFYvar|' $!AlterData Equation = 'V|Wvar| = V|CFZvar|' $!IF "|CFXvar|" == "" $!ALTERDATA EQUATION = "{CFXo} = -999" $!VARSET |CFXvar| = "|NUMVARS|" $!ENDIF $!IF "|CFYvar|" == "" $!ALTERDATA EQUATION = "{CFYo} = -999" $!VARSET |CFYvar| = "|NUMVARS|" $!ENDIF $!IF "|CFZvar|" == "" $!ALTERDATA EQUATION = "{CFZo} = -999" $!VARSET |CFZvar| = "|NUMVARS|" $!ENDIF $!IF "|CF|" == "" $!ALTERDATA EQUATION = "{CF} = SQRT({V|CFXvar|}**2 + {V|CFYvar|}**2 + {V|CFZvar|}**2)" $!VARSET |CFvar| = "|NUMVARS|" $!ENDIF $!ALTERDATA EQUATION = '{XoC} = -999' $!VARSET |XOCvar| = |NUMVARS| $!ALTERDATA EQUATION = '{YoC} = -999' $!VARSET |YOCvar| = |NUMVARS| $!ALTERDATA EQUATION = '{ZoC} = -999' $!VARSET |ZOCvar| = |NUMVARS| #=================================================================== # Name variables consistently #------------------------------------- $!RenameDataSetVar Var = |Xvar| Name = 'X' $!RenameDataSetVar Var = |Yvar| Name = 'Y' $!RenameDataSetVar Var = |Zvar| Name = 'Z' $!RenameDataSetVar Var = |CPvar| Name = 'CP' $!RenameDataSetVar Var = |CFvar| Name = 'CF' $!RenameDataSetVar Var = |CFXvar| Name = 'CFx' $!RenameDataSetVar Var = |CFYvar| Name = 'CFy' $!RenameDataSetVar Var = |CFZvar| Name = 'CFz' #------------------------------------- #=================================================================== # Set rotation center (no effect on view, but nice to have rotation center near middle of view)... scoped for CRM #------------------------------------- $!VarSet |RotX| = 1325.89 # Moment Reference Center $!VarSet |RotY| = (2313.50/4) # 0.25*Span $!VarSet |RotZ| = 177.96 # Moment Reference Center #------------------------------------- #=================================================================== # Get span #------------------------------------- $!VarSet |YRoot| = ( |MINY%.12f| ) $!VarSet |YTip| = ( |MAXY%.12f| ) $!VarSet |SemiSpan| = ( abs(|YTip|-|YRoot|) ) #------------------------------------- #=================================================================== # Create Macro Function: SectionalCutter #------------------------------------- $!MACROFUNCTION NAME = "SectionalCutter" $!VarSet |NumCuts| = ( |NumCuts| + 1 ) $!EXTRACTSLICETOZONES ORIGIN {X = |1| Y = |2| Z = |3|} NORMAL {X = |4| Y = |5| Z = |6|} AUTOSTRANDTRANSIENTDATA = YES COPYCELLCENTEREDVALUES = NO EXTRACTMODE = SINGLEZONE RESULTING1DZONETYPE = IORDEREDIFPOSSIBLE SLICESOURCE = SURFACEZONES SLICESURFACE = YPLANES TRANSIENTOPERATIONMODE = SINGLESOLUTIONTIME $!EXTENDEDCOMMAND COMMANDPROCESSORID='extendmcr' COMMAND='QUERY.ACTIVEZONES SURFZONES' $!ActiveFieldMaps = [|NUMZONES|] $!AlterData [|NUMZONES|] Equation = 'V|XoCvar| = (V|Xvar| - |MINX%.12f|)/(|MAXX%.12f| - |MINX%.12f|)' $!AlterData [|NUMZONES|] Equation = 'V|YoCvar| = 0.0' $!AlterData [|NUMZONES|] Equation = 'V|ZoCvar| = (V|Zvar| - |MINZ%.12f|)/(|MAXX%.12f| - |MINX%.12f|)' $!ActiveFieldMaps = [|SURFZONES|] $!VarSet |EtaStationFull| = ( abs(|2|/|SemiSpan|) ) $!VarSet |EtaStation| = |EtaStationFull%.4f| $!RENAMEDATASETZONE ZONE = |NUMZONES| NAME = '|ParticipantID| - SECTIONAL CUT |NumCuts| - eta=|EtaStation|' $!ENDMACROFUNCTION #=================================================================== $!IF "|PlotTime|" != "" $!GlobalTime SolutionTime = |PlotTime| $!ENDIF $!FieldMap [|BodyMaps|,|WingMaps|] Mesh { Show = No Color = Black LineThickness = 0.1 } Contour { ContourType = BothLinesAndFlood LineContourGroup = 1 FloodColoring = Group1 Color = Custom2 UseLightingEffect = Yes } Vector { Color = Black } Scatter { Color = Black } Shade { Color = Custom2 } EdgeLayer { Show = No Color = Black LineThickness = 0.1 } Points { PointsToPlot = SurfaceNodes } Surfaces { SurfacesToPlot = KPlanes IRange { Max = 1 } } VolumeMode { VolumeObjectsToPlot { ShowIsosurfaces = No ShowSlices = No ShowStreamtraces = No } } Effects { LightingEffect = Gouraud } $!FieldLayers ShowMesh = Yes ShowContour = No ShowShade = Yes ShowEdge = No $!StreamtraceLayers Show = No $!View Fit $!FrameControl ActivateByNumber Frame = 1 # RotateOrigin { X = |RotX| Y = |RotY| Z = |RotZ| } # Right before "LightSource" $!GlobalThreeD AxisScaleFact { X = 1 Y = 1 Z = 1 } LightSource { XYZDirection{ X = 0.1 Y = -0.1 Z = 0.95 } Intensity = 75 BackgroundLight = 25 IncludeSpecular = Yes SpecularIntensity = 40 SpecularShininess = 60 } LineLiftFraction = 0.2 SymbolLiftFraction = 0.6 VectorLiftFraction = 0.7 NearPlaneFraction = 0.1 $!DRAWGRAPHICS TRUE $!FIELDLAYERS SHOWMESH = NO $!FIELDLAYERS SHOWCONTOUR = NO $!FIELDLAYERS SHOWSHADE = YES $!FIELDLAYERS SHOWVECTOR = NO $!FIELDLAYERS SHOWEDGE = NO $!FIELDLAYERS SHOWSCATTER = NO #$!FIELDLAYERS USELIGHTINGEFFECT = NO $!FIELDLAYERS USETRANSLUCENCY = NO $!SLICELAYERS SHOW = NO $!STREAMTRACELAYERS SHOW = NO $!STREAMATTRIBUTES ADDARROWS = NO #=================================================================== # Activate ONLY wing surfaces #------------------------------------- $!ActiveFieldMaps = [|WingMaps|] $!View Fit $!RedrawAll #=================================================================== # Establish Zone Number For Cut Data #------------------------------------- $!VARSET |NUMZONES1| = |NUMZONES| $!VARSET |NUMZONES1| += 1 #=================================================================== #=================================================================== # Create Sectional Cuts #------------------------------------- # If you are running a grid with multiple spanwise cells, take slices at span stations of eta = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, and 0.9. # X Y Z Xnorm Ynorm Znorm $!RUNMACROFUNCTION "SectionalCutter" ( 0.0, 11.50, 0.0, 0.000, 1.000, 0.000) #=================================================================== # Visualize Sectional Cuts #------------------------------------- $!FIELDMAP [|NUMZONES1| - |NUMZONES| ] MESH{Show = Yes Color = Green LineThickness = 0.80 } $!FIELDLAYERS SHOWMESH = YES $!REDRAWALL #=================================================================== #=================================================================== # Delete temporary variables used for output only #------------------------------------- $!RENAMEDATASETVAR VAR = |Xvar| NAME = "X" $!RENAMEDATASETVAR VAR = |Yvar| NAME = "Y" $!RENAMEDATASETVAR VAR = |Zvar| NAME = "Z" $!RENAMEDATASETVAR VAR = |XoCvar| NAME = "XoC" $!RENAMEDATASETVAR VAR = |CPvar| NAME = "CP" $!RENAMEDATASETVAR VAR = |CFvar| NAME = "CF" $!RENAMEDATASETVAR VAR = |CFXvar| NAME = "CFX" $!RENAMEDATASETVAR VAR = |CFYvar| NAME = "CFY" $!RENAMEDATASETVAR VAR = |CFZvar| NAME = "CFZ" $!WriteDataSet "|ParticipantID|-|OutputFileName|" IncludeText = No IncludeGeom = No IncludeCustomLabels = No IncludeDataShareLinkage = Yes ZoneList = [|NUMZONES1| - |NUMZONES|] VarList = ['XoC','CP','CF','CFX','CFY','CFZ','X','Y','Z'] Binary = No UsePointFormat = No Precision = 12 TecplotVersionToWrite = TecplotCurrent