The geometry used for this workshop was prepared from data supplied with the AGARD 303 report. These data consist of points defining the body at constant fuselage stations and the wing at constant wing stations. The wing was defined in a wing coordinate system, and was placed in the body system (according to Figure 1) with x and z translations of 347.0 and -33.92 mm, respectively, and a dihedral of 4.8 degrees.
Certain elements such as the wing tip, nose cap and tailcone closeout were defined from text and figures in AGARD 303. Details of the windscreen and the "flat" where the horizontal tail would mount were also not defined. However, they were readily identifiable from the data. The fuselage surfaces were fitted to the coordinates supplied using standard lofting techniques.
The wing is originally defined with four stations, and is linearly lofted between the stations. Elastic twist is then applied according to Figure 15. Approximately ten stations are used to distribute the twist, and the lofting is linear between these twisted stations.
Body geometry: body.txt, 121KB
Wing geometry: wing.txt, 19KB
IGES file: dlr-f4.iges, 586KB
NASA Official Responsible for Content
Dr. Neal T. Frink
Last Updated
November 6, 2002