The DPW 3
configuration is the same DLR-F6 geometry as used in the
2nd DPW Workshop with the addition of a wing-body fairing designed to
alleviate the side-of-body separation on the wing. The fairing is
named FX2B:
Catia v5: DLR_F6_FX2B_ONLY.CATPart.gz
Catia v4: DLR_F6_FX2B_ONLY_v4.model.gz
DLR-F6 with FX2B wing-fairing intersection curve
IGES: FX2B_Wing_Trim.iges
IGES: f6_nac+clean_dpwII_v2.iges.gzf6_farfield.iges.gz
The iges file contains both the geometry with nacelle and without. To "produce" the igesfile for the clean configuration move the pylon- and nacelle panels and the lower inner wing panels (50,59,60) to invisible. Then move the "clean" inner wing panels 68 and 69 from invisible to visible. The reference data is the same as for the F4 as the wing planform and position and the fuselage have not changed.STEP: DLR_F6_V2_STEP1.stp.gz
Fuselage Station (FS) -- 6847.145 mm = 279.475 inMoment Reference Relative to the wing root leading edge:
Waterline (WL) ------------ 2226.615 mm = 90.882 in
x = 154.245 mm = 6.0726 inN.B. Please note that some grids may move the geometry, so verify the wing root leading edge location (e.g. the Boeing DPW-W1 grids have been translated so that the wing root leading edge is at the origin)
z = 0.0 mm = 0.0 in
IGES: DPW-W1.igs.gz
STEP: DPW-W1.stp.gzFuselage Station (FS) ----- 154.245 mm = 6.0726 inThe DPW-W2 IGES geometry has the wing root leading edge at the origin, so the above is the correct moment reference.
Waterline (WL) ---------------- 0.0 mm = 0.0 in
IGES: xwingd2ote.igs.gz
IGES Wing Tip: xwingd2otetip.igs.gzLast
September 27, 2005
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