From: DPW Committee <>

Date: September 19, 2011 11:08:29 AM EDT

Subject: DPW-V broad announcement

Hello DPW Community!                                                                         19 September 2011


As we head towards DPW-V in the summer of 2012, we want to provide some information.  Please feel free to forward this email to your colleagues.


First, and most importantly, please find attached to this email the DPW-V announcement flyer that was distributed at the Applied Aerodynamics Conference in Hawaii during June 2010.  Repeating what is in the flyer, please note the following schedule:


Finalize Test Cases                   3Q, 2011

Release Standard Grids            4Q, 2011

Notification of Intent Due           10 Feb 2012

Acceptance Notification             24 Feb 2012

Data Submittal                           27 April 2012

Workshop                                   23-24 June 2012


Details regarding the test cases and standard grids are still being finalized. Registration will be handled through normal AIAA procedures.


Secondly, data from the NASA National Transonic Facility (NTF) wind tunnel corresponding to the Case 1 from DPW-IV (Grid Convergence and Downwash studies) has been posted on the AIAA DPW web site:

direct link to data:

The data includes experimental values of angle of attack, drag, and moment. The posting also includes a description of the process used to interpolate wind tunnel data to the CFD conditions.  Additional data for the other DPW-IV cases will follow in coming months.


Next, by the end of 2011, NASA expects to have a dedicated NASA Common Research Model (CRM) website established and available.  This website will include links to the data from both NTF and Ames 11’ wind tunnel tests, as well as links to papers containing information on the CRM geometry and data.  This will be a living website where future papers and presentations, as well as data from any future tests can be posted for broad community access. An announcement will be sent to the DPW community as soon as the website is up and running!


Finally, there will be several presentations at the AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting in January relevant to the DPW and the CRM, so look for those in your program. We hope to see you there, and in New Orleans next June!


Happy Computing,

DPW-V Organizing Committee