5th AIAA CFD Drag Prediction Workshop

Sponsored by the Applied Aerodynamics TC

2-Day Workshop Preceding the 30th APA Conference

New Orleans, LA
23-24 June 2012



General Information

Notification of Updates

Send email to request notification of updates to the website, geometry and release of grids: aiaadpw@gmail.com


Finalize Test Cases
Release of Standard Grids
Notice of Intent Due
10 February
Acceptance Notification
24 February
Handled through normal AIAA registration procedure

Data Submittal
21 May
23-24 June

Workshop presentations will not be official AIAA papers, however, several participants will be invited to support a special session on drag prediction to be held during the AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 2013.

Organizing Committee

John Vassberg

The Boeing Company

Mori Mani
Ben Rider
Ed Tinoco
Kelly Laflin
Cessna Aircraft Company
David Levy
Rich Wahls
NASA Langley Research Center
Joe Morrison
Dimitri Mavriplis
University of Wyoming
Olaf Brodersen
Simone Crippa
Mitsuhiro Murayama

Test Cases

Three series of computations are included:
  1. Common Grid Study: A multi-block, O-O grid topology has been generated for the wing-body configuration. Each cell edge has been divided in two up to eight times successively to develop a grid-refinement sequence. The resulting cloud of points will be reformatted into overset and tet-based unstructured grids. Within this series of eight grids, there will be a suitable grid refinement sequence for most types of grids. Additional computations are encouraged with user-developed grids (optional).

  2. Buffet Study: Alpha sweeps will be conducted at finely-spaced intervals through the zone where wing separation is expected to begin. Details of the exact CL-alpha combination for separation onset and patterns are to be reported.
  3. Turbulence Model Verification (Optional): In conjunction with the Turbulence Model Benchmarking Working Group (TMBWG), associated with the AIAA Fluid Dynamics Technical Committee, we are including three cases to study implementation of turbulence models in a controlled study. For more information on the TMBWG, see their website at: turbmodels.larc.nasa.gov.


Geometry files were revised on November 7, 2008. Please ensure that you are using the revised geometry.


Description of the unified baseline grid for the Common Research Model: AIAA Paper 2011-3508

Any additional grids used to create submitted results must be provided to the DPW Committee.

History of Information Emails to Participants
Date Sent Subject
19 September 2011 DPW-V Broad Announcement
01 February 2012 AIAA CFD Drag Prediction Workshps 2012: Grids are available
19 March 2012 AIAA CFD Drag Prediction Workshop 5 (DPW-5)
26 April 2012 DPW-5: Data submission, Data Forms
28 April 2012 DPW-5: Data Submission Deadline
14 May 2012 DPW-5: Data Submittal forms
20 May 2012 DPW-5: Some Information
23 May 2012 DPW-5: Data Submission
16 June 2012 DPW-5: Agenda, participants list

Data Submittal Forms

Image of pressure coefficient	at eta = 0.13 of Common Research Model
Image of pressure coefficient at eta = 0.20 of Common Research Model
Image of polars for Common Research Model
Image of surface pressure on wing and tail of Common Research Model

DPW-5 Summary of Participant Data (pdf file of summary presentation from DPW-5)

Workshop Agenda


Participants List and Test Case Results

Photos from DPW-V


1st AIAA CFD Drag Prediction Workshop

2nd AIAA CFD Drag Prediction Workshop

3rd AIAA CFD Drag Prediction Workshop

4th AIAA CFD Drag Prediction Workshop


Email: aiaadpw@gmail.com


APA-TC Home    AIAA Home

For any questions, please contact the organizers at aiaadpw@gmail.com

NASA Official Responsible for Content
Joseph H. Morrison

Last Updated
10 June 2015