6th AIAA CFD Drag Prediction Workshop

Sponsored by the Applied Aerodynamics TC

2-Day Workshop during the AIAA AVIATION 2016 Conference

Washington, D.C. USA
16-17 June 2016

The workshop was held on Thursday and Friday during the AIAA AVIATION 2016 Conference
as an experiment in the new Forum model

Image of DPW Coin logo - obverse Image of DPW Coin logo - reverse

DPW Model in wind tunnel



General Information

Notification of Updates

Send email to request notification of updates to the website, geometry and release of grids: dpwaiaa@gmail.com


Release Geometry
19 October
Release of Standard Grids
Notice of Intent to Participate Due
29 February
Acceptance Notification
31 March
Use AIAA Registration

Abstract Deadline
30 April
Data Submittal Deadline
14 May
16-17 June
Thursday-Friday during AIAA AVIATION 2016 Conference

Workshop presentations will not be official AIAA papers, however, several participants will be invited to support a special session on drag prediction to be held during the AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 2017.

Organizing Committee

John Vassberg

The Boeing Company

Mori Mani
Ben Rider
Olaf Brodersen
Stefan Keye
Martin Gariepy
Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal
Mitsuhiro Murayama
Joseph Morrison
NASA Langley Research Center
Richard Wahls
David Hue
Edward Tinoco
Edward Feltrop
Textron Aviation
Kelly Laflin
Dimitri Mavriplis
University of Wyoming
Chris Roy
Virginia Tech

Test Cases

Five series of computations are included:
  1. Verification Study: 2D NACA0012 Airfoil from the Turbulence Modeling Resource (TMR) sponsored by the AIAA Fluid Dynamics Technical Committee Turbulence Model Benchmarking Working Group (TMBWG). Flow conditions are: M = 0.15; Re = 6 million; angle-of-attack = 10 degrees; Reference temperature = 100°F; Farfield boundary condition at 500 chords. Solution converged on either adapted or fixed sequence grid family.

    For this verification study you are asked to run the same turbulence model(s) that you are running for the CRM cases AS WELL AS the Spalart-Allmaras (SA) model (if possible). For SA, you can compare with the NACA0012 results on the TMR website. For your other model results, they will indicate the 2D grid convergence behavior for your turbulence model, and will form the basis for future comparisons against other codes with the same model.

    For more information on this case, see the TMBWG website at: http://turbmodels.larc.nasa.gov/naca0012numerics_val_sa_withoutpv.html. If using the provided grid sequence (available at http://turbmodels.larc.nasa.gov/naca0012numerics_grids.html ), then Grid Family II should be used.

    When using the Spalart-Allmaras (SA) turbulence model, the results from 3 codes (FUN3D, CFL3D, and TAU) appear to be approaching infinitely-refined results bounded by:

  2. CRM Nacelle-Pylon Drag Increment: Calculate the drag increment between the CRM wing-body-nacelle-pylon (WBNP) and the CRM wing-body (WB) configurations. Flow conditions are: M = 0.85; Re = 5 million; fixed CL = 0.5 +/- 0.0001; Reference temperature = 100°F; aeroelastic deflections at the angle-of-attack 2.75 degrees geometry. Grid convergence study on Baseline WB and WBNP grids.
  3. CRM WB Static Aero-Elastic Effect: Angle-of-attack sweeps will be conducted using the aero-elastic deflections measured in the ETW Wind Tunnel Test. Flow conditions are: M = 0.85; Re = 5 million; Reference temperature = 100°F; Angle-of-attack sweep = [2.50, 2.75, 3.00, 3.25, 3.50, 3.75, 4.00] degrees. Use the Medium Baseline grids [7 solutions on 7 grids].
  4. CRM WB Grid Adaptation [Optional]: Fixed lift condition for the CRM Wing-Body using an adapted grid family provided by the participant. Flow conditions are: M = 0.85; Re = 5 million; fixed CL = 0.5 +/- 0.0001; Reference temperature = 100°F; aeroelastic deflections at the angle-of-attack 2.75 degrees geometry. Start the adaptation process from the Tiny (or Coarse) Baseline Mesh. Participants are to document the adaptation process.
  5. CRM WB Coupled Aero-Structural Simulation [Optional]: Fixed lift condition for the CRM Wing-Body coupled with computational structural analysis. Flow conditions are: M = 0.85; Re = 5 million; fixed CL = 0.5 +/- 0.0001; Reference temperature = 100°F; static aeroelastic deflections calculated, starting from the undeformed geometry. Use the Medium Baseline Grid. A structural FEM will be supplied by NASA via the CRM Website. Modal shapes will also be made available.


Update geometry files were released on 28 January 2016. Please check the notes on the Geometry link for updated information.


Overset grids were released on 10 November 2015. Unstructured grids were released on 21 December 2015.

Standard overset and unstructured grids are available for all required configurations. Additional grids will be made available soon.

Any additional grids used to create submitted results must be provided to the DPW Committee.

History of Information Emails to Participants
Date Sent Subject
06 December 2015 DPW-VI Broad Announcement
18 January 2016 DPW-VI Geometry and Grids
13 February 2016 DPW-VI Additional Information
10 April 2016 AIAA 6th CFD Drag Prediction Workshop: Abstracts, Geometry Issue

Data Submittal Forms

Workshop Presentations

Workshop Agenda


Participants List and Test Case Results


Email: dpwaiaa@gmail.com



For any questions, please contact the organizers at dpwaiaa@gmail.com

NASA Official Responsible for Content
Joseph H. Morrison

Last Updated
28 March 2021